Lan Laucirica
High performing teams and world changing products

Prime Deviation 2022-2024
I founded and led Prime Deviation as head of product and chief data engineer. Azure, AWS, and GCP infrastructure.

SpaceX 2013-2018
I built DeploymentX, the release automation system for WarpDrive, the custom ERP software at SpaceX. Azure Gov Cloud and physical data center

Magic Leap 2019-2020
I managed physical and cloud HPC clusters for deep learning workloads used by global AI teams at Magic Leap. I was responsible for two data centers, one in Palo Alto and one in Culver City. AWS and GCP cloud infrastructure

SkyHive 2021-2022
As Infrastructure Architect and Director of Infrastructure I founded and built the infrastructure team at SkyHive. Global Databricks data pipeline for ML workloads. Azure, AWS, and GCP infrastructure.

3M 2012-2014
I chartered and managed the DevOps Team. I Designed a system using build automation within each platform producing versioned releases by way of continuous integration servers, to be archived in an artifact repository and consumed by the DevOps common Deployment Automation Framework for deployment to various test and production environments.

Microsoft 2008-2010
I founded the Business Group Engineering Build Team, responsible for designing and automating the common Release process for all applications within separate BGE Business Units.

MIT Sloan School of Management-
Executive Certification in Management and Leadership

Harvard Business School-
Certificate of Specialization:
Leadership and Management